Pallet-at-a-Time U.S. Exports

If you are interested in importing natural and organic food and beverages from the U.S. but are unsure about the market opportunities in your country and whether the product you select will succeed, take advantage of pallet-at-a-time exports through Grovara.

About Grovara

Grovara is the leading B2B global marketplace for American Better-For-You brands. We connect natural and organic brands with international retailers and distributors in a single online marketplace using a proprietary easy-to-use technology platform.

The Grovara e-commerce platform enables vetted global retailers and distributors from over 50 countries to search for plant-based, paleo/keto, clean sweeteners/flavorings, functional beverages, and more to find the most promising, healthy, and better-for-you products for their shoppers’ tastes.

Logistics and Order Fulfillment

There’s a better way, and only Grovara has it.

We developed our proprietary “pallet builder,” which is driven by algorithms that account for products’ pricing, heights, weights, dimensions, ingredients, temperature, expiration dates, and more based on data from IX-ONE, the food and beverage industry leader in product data and image capture.

From the comfort of the platform’s dashboard, buyers can see onscreen in real-time whether they have hit the minimum or maximum volume for an order. They can also view the pallet type, such as Heat-Treated Ambient Wood for Wholesome Sweeteners fair trade and non-GMO cane sugar or Chilled Wood for refrigerated GT’s Kombucha.

Grovara buyers have unprecedented flexibility in placing an order:

  • Order by layer, pallet, or sample and view total cases ordered and price changes in real-time.
  • Purchase multiple products (SKUs) or even multiple brands in the same order.
  • Order a best-selling pallet for which Grovara, powered by SPINS industry data, is doing the merchandising.
  • Conduct secure and fast payment via online wire transfers (coming soon!).

Grovara’s end-to-end logistics and fulfillment model also provides access to a network of trusted partners that offer competitive shipping quotes and standardized shipping documentation.

Grovara keeps monitoring the entire process, ensuring timely notifications and ongoing communication between all parties, no matter the final destination.

Questions to Ask Before You Expand Your Business Internationally

If your business is thriving in one geographic area, you may be considering expanding into new markets. Here are the top three questions you should ask before you decide:

  1. What does the local competition look like? Research the market of whichever country or region you’re thinking of expanding into. Is there a demand for the product you wish to import? If a competitor has a firm hold on the market, it may not be the right time to expand.
  2. Are there cultural differences you need to understand? It’s essential to consider the culture of other countries and understand the people in the community and what they value because this may impact the success of your business.
  3. Are you prepared for the costs of logistics, tariffs, and returns? When going global, there is a wide range of potential issues to understand. Different tax laws, import tariffs, increased logistics expenses, and other costs could erode or eliminate your profit margins. It can also be very expensive to process returns.

Move Your Business to International Heights

Grovara is dedicated to delivering the best healthy foods and beverages from the USA to the world. If you are seeking U.S. exports of wholesale organic food products a pallet-at-a-time, look no further than Grovara. You can learn more about us and our innovative processes by visiting our website. Schedule a demo using our online contact form, or call us at (215) 207-0967.