Rule Breaker Snacks

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in Natural & Organic

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in Natural & Organic

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in Shelf Stable Cookies & Snack Bars


Greetings from Brooklyn! I'm Nancy Kalish, the founder of Rule Breaker Snacks. As a former health journalist and certified health coach, I had learned exactly how to eat healthy. Trouble is, I've always had a very unhealthy sweet tooth (we're talking dessert for breakfast). I had read about brownies made from black beans on the internet. And I thought, okay, beans are healthy. So I whipped some up. Well, those first black bean brownies were awful--they tasted like beans, they even smelled like beans. But they had that luscious brownie texture. So I kept at it, tweaking my recipe, switched to chickpeas, and ate a LOT of brownies. Finally, after a year, I had created the perfect recipe with no beany taste. Rule Breaker brownies break all the rules (no flour! no eggs! no butter!). Chickpeas (that's right, beans) are the first ingredient. But you'd never know. Rule Breaker's Deep Chocolate Brownies, Chocolate Chunk Blondies, Birthday Cake and P'Nutter Chocolate Chip flavors are all chewy and delicious.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Are Rule Breaker Snacks vegan?

Absolutely! All our products are 100% vegan and plant based with no animal ingredients. That means no eggs, no dairy, no honey. We prove you don't need animal ingredients to make amazing treats!

What about other allergens?

Rule Breaker Snacks are free from the following common allergens: wheat, gluten, tree nuts, peanuts, dairy, eggs, shellfish, fish, coconut and sesame. Samples of all our products are frequently allergen-tested by an independent lab. Our bakery is a dedicated allergen-free facility, and no products containing any of the above are allowed there.

Are your "natural flavors" really natural?

That's a great question! A lot of so-called "natural flavors" are anything but. However, the ones we use are made from the essences of vegetables and other plants combined with a tiny amount of alcohol or vegetable glycerine. They are also free from GMOs, artificial preservatives, top allergens (wheat and gluten, tree nuts and peanuts, soy, dairy, eggs, fish and shellfish, sesame) and propylene glycol (PG) a potentially dangerous chemical hidden in many "natural flavors." We pay more for flavorings that are PG-free and non-GMO, but it's worth it.